Search for tag: "neutrons"

How Does Radiocarbon Dating Work? - Instant Egghead #28

How do scientists determine the age of fossils that have been under the surface of the earth for thousands of years? Scientific American Editor Michael Moyer explains the process of radiocarbon…

From  Michelle Parada 0 likes 1 plays 0  


From  Katherine Bowman 0 likes 48 plays 0  


From  Katherine Bowman 0 likes 40 plays 0  


From  Katherine Bowman 0 likes 147 plays 0  


Overview of basic chemistry: atoms, molecules, and bonds

From  Katrina Twing 0 likes 12 plays 0  

BTNY 2104: Chemistry for Botanists, part 1; Basic Chemistry. 2021_01_15

Zoom Recording ID: 92088317462 UUID: UOEdwnFRTAmitwnQ28qPow== Meeting Time: 2021-01-15T15:27:21Z

From  Suzanne Harley 0 likes 8 plays 0  

F2-1a Formative Feedback

From  Travis Price 0 likes 2,835 plays 0  


Ancient Earth - Rise of Oxygen - Geological Evidence

From  Katrina Twing 0 likes 29 plays 0  

02-From Elements to Cells - part 1

From  Annita Peterson 0 likes 140 plays 0