Search for tag: "disgust"

Why Humans Feel Disgust, and Why Other Animals Might Too - Quiz

You might think something is so "icky" that you try avoid it, and scientists think there's a reason humans, and even some other animals, do this. Head to…

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From  Cynthia Jones 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Julia Kristeva's "Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection" - Quiz

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From  Cynthia Jones 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Chapter 14 3270 Lecture

Zoom Recording ID: 91300341046 UUID: we7X4+tQT+ap9IX/9b0guQ== Meeting Time: 2023-04-13 10:27:52pmGMT

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From  Margaret Smith 0 likes 22 plays 0