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Video Recording - Sat Jan 20 2024 12:42:30 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)

From  stocktongibby_assignment 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Spring 2024 CM 2210 Week 1 Session 1 - Video-Discussion 1 of 3 - Intro

Zoom Recording ID: 93518449432 UUID: XgQb70HBSMe1W5xJP+meRQ== Meeting Time: 2023-08-28 04:49:38amGMT

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Fall 2023 v.2 CM 2210 Week 15 Final Session - Cash Flow & Semester Summary Video-Discussion 1 of 1

Zoom Recording ID: 97783494613 UUID: s6tne+y3TPqDVZIsrClnGA== Meeting Time: 2020-12-03T21:13:58Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 7 plays 0  


From  Jose Acosta 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Fall 2023 CM 3370 Week 4 Session 2 Video - Discussion 3 of 3

Zoom Recording ID: 93879390978 UUID: WutUdCZES3uylY5YdDj9vg== Meeting Time: 2020-09-16T20:20:01Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Spring 2023 CM 2210 Week 15 Session 2 - Cash Flow & Semester Summary Video-Discussion 1 of 1

Zoom Recording ID: 97783494613 UUID: s6tne+y3TPqDVZIsrClnGA== Meeting Time: 2020-12-03T21:13:58Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Video Recording - Sun Sep 11 2022 22:05:39 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)

From  Sean Keller 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Northridge High School 2022 Graduation

From  Joseph Salmond 0 likes 148 plays 0  

Fall 2021 CMT 2210 Week 2 Session 2 Chptr 3 Video/Discussion 1 of 1

Zoom Recording ID: 96355190893 UUID: 9olI5qxJRwGTFMJIsBlRCw== Meeting Time: 2020-09-03T21:14:08Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 119 plays 0  

Fall 2021 CMT 2210 Week 1 Session 2 Video - Discussion 1 of 2

Zoom Recording ID: 95689730094 UUID: 71VNJjnVRuqE4hIpZolh7A== Meeting Time: 2020-08-27T22:29:41Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 165 plays 0  

Spring 2021 Week 12 Session 1 Quality Discussion Video

Zoom Recording ID: 96522753980 UUID: nI+4Ao8aTbGb2xRiLk9SoA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-30T20:47:40Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 153 plays 0  

Spring 2021 CMT 1100 Week 12 Video/Discussion 2 of 2 - Post Exercise

Zoom Recording ID: 95877903122 UUID: /J9zkWXjRiurslAsy0zOpw== Meeting Time: 2021-03-30T02:36:52Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 90 plays 0  

Spring 2021 CMT 2210 Week 10 Session 2 Time & Cost Control Cont'd Video -Discussion 1 of 1

Zoom Recording ID: 96361195954 UUID: pujgEQFBSXWk6+t+IocPtQ== Meeting Time: 2020-10-29T22:31:19Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Spring 2021 CMT 2210 Week 6 Session 2 - Mtngs - Negotiation Video - Discussion 2 of 2

Zoom Recording ID: 93233350921 UUID: Yu+K4ViESpWpGTPYULfKyA== Meeting Time: 2020-10-07T02:18:58Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 78 plays 0  

Spring 2021 CMT 2210 Week 5 Session 2 Jobsite Layout & Control Video - Discussion 1 of 1

Zoom Recording ID: 95642290276 UUID: 3mESySm/TH6UsjK8hCHRsQ== Meeting Time: 2020-09-30T00:43:19Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 116 plays 0  

Spring 2021 CMT 2210 Week 3 Session 1 Video/Discussion 1 of 1 - Chptr 3 Cont'd

Zoom Recording ID: 95805925677 UUID: m8H0/6OxRmiRNM4Hqkf96g== Meeting Time: 2020-09-07T18:49:00Z

From  Russell Butler 0 likes 109 plays 0