Search for tag: "refugees"

Video Recording - Sun Aug 11 2024 15:02:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

From  Paul Neiman 0 likes 1 plays 0  


Melissa introduces herself and talks about what she loves about teaching.

From  Melissa Mendelson 0 likes 13 plays 0  


From  Emily Christensen 0 likes 10 plays 0  

whip around decision point vid

explaining groups decision to advocate for policy option #3

From  Callie Morgan 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Video Recording - Thu Dec 01 2022 22:25:29 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)

From  Georgia Fox 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Video lesson 5 Position memo - Ukraine

From  Janicke Stramer-Smith 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Vulnerable Populations Part 1 ( 9 minutes)

From  Stephanie Wolfe 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Rwanda 1973-1993

From  Stephanie Wolfe 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Week 5 - Great Lakes Conflict (1962-1972)

The Great Lakes Conflicts (1962-1972) Uganda and Burundi

From  Stephanie Wolfe 0 likes 4 plays 0  

ANTH 1000 Lecture 24b Global Issues Today

Zoom Recording ID: 94866233156 UUID: lZWVGWlXQ1agREPWnEeMZQ== Meeting Time: 2021-12-10 06:16:57pm

From  Lisa McManama-Kearin 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Video Recording - Sun Oct 17 2021 12:11:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

From  Paul Neiman 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Video Recording - Thu Aug 26 2021 17:38:56 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

From  Paul Neiman 0 likes 23 plays 0  

POLS 2200: Chapter 10 Lecture B

Post imperial challenges

From  Janicke Stramer-Smith 0 likes 40 plays 0  

3110 intro to immigration

Zoom Recording ID: 3169362043 UUID: cPiY8GksQqutuPjuAbiNCA== Meeting Time: 2020-08-21T18:44:01Z

From  Jeffrey Steagall 0 likes 125 plays 0