Search for tag: "frequencies"

ANTH1020 PopGen & Natural Selection

Micro & Macroevolution; Mechanisms of Evolution; Gene Flow, Genetic Drift, Mutation (and types), Recombination, Natural Selection; Quantifying Evolution with the Hardy-Weinberg Equalibrium &…

From  Deborah Graham 0 likes 62 plays 0  

Video Recording - Sat Nov 04 2023 15:59:31 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)

From  Matthew Starling 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Clip of bivariate, 2-way table, scatterplot

From  Sheryl Rushton 0 likes 56 plays 0  


From  Jonathan West 0 likes 6 plays 0  


From  Michael Ault 0 likes 14 plays 0  


Smart Military

From  Hugo Valle 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Summer stats lecture (Jun 28)

Zoom Recording ID: 99183888454 UUID: 8OFbN15zRD6wbbSJUw3kWA== Meeting Time: 2021-06-29 01:19:06am

From  Kathryn Sperry 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Clip of Sensation & Perception Class Psy 3730 - Chapter 12 Part 1

Zoom Recording ID: 99307609349 UUID: r8JK4NMyQJqxYyRQhTOVTQ== Meeting Time: 2020-11-03T18:53:30Z

From  Shannon McGillivray 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Clip of Sensation & Perception Class Psy 3730 - Chapter 11 Part 2

Zoom Recording ID: 99307609349 UUID: r8JK4NMyQJqxYyRQhTOVTQ== Meeting Time: 2020-11-03T18:53:30Z

From  Shannon McGillivray 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Clip of Sensation & Perception Class Chapter 11 Part 1

Zoom Recording ID: 99307609349 UUID: EMH9/mctSRWEg+ActTqu4Q== Meeting Time: 2020-10-29T17:57:26Z

From  Shannon McGillivray 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Clip of Sensation & Perception Class Chapter 10 Part 2

Zoom Recording ID: 99307609349 UUID: EMH9/mctSRWEg+ActTqu4Q== Meeting Time: 2020-10-29T17:57:26Z

From  Shannon McGillivray 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Statistics lecture (TR 10:30)

Zoom Recording ID: 91873969294 UUID: Ocu49PWMSsKmjq+RaMlPwA== Meeting Time: 2020-09-01T16:29:43Z

From  Kathryn Sperry 0 likes 12 plays 0  

3610 alumni and board engagement

Zoom Recording ID: 3169362043 UUID: kUfnIRiuSgK3kfJ813JPWA== Meeting Time: 2020-08-27T15:58:42Z

From  Jeffrey Steagall 0 likes 247 plays 0  

3610 Retiree status and hotel vacation stay length

Zoom Recording ID: 3169362043 UUID: fa0Ven+iSHSPwysIzxM5cg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-27T15:37:57Z

From  Jeffrey Steagall 0 likes 213 plays 0  

3610 Are MBA Concentrations and Bachelor Degree Types Independent

Zoom Recording ID: 3169362043 UUID: 8fKExMFbSSOjvLXXdKTyNw== Meeting Time: 2020-08-27T15:15:15Z

From  Jeffrey Steagall 0 likes 298 plays 0  

3610 Beverages independent of sex Excel

Zoom Recording ID: 3169362043 UUID: QF3Uzd4pQrWNtU+0kVsTuw== Meeting Time: 2020-08-25T16:24:14Z

From  Jeffrey Steagall 0 likes 415 plays 0