Search for tag: "flexor"

Fitco Multi-Hip Flexor.mp4

From  Susan Myers 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Hoist Leg Extension.mp4

From  Susan Myers 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Lecture 10- Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Recording

From  Sachini Arachchige 0 likes 54 plays 0  

HTHS 1111 F12-10b: Withdrawal Reflex Video with Questions

The withdrawal reflex is an automatic response that enables you to pull away from a painful stimulus (e.g., a hot stove, a tack you’ve stepped on) without having to consciously plan to do so.…

From  Lyndsey Gremillion 0 likes 1,788 plays 0  

Foot and Ankle Muscles Video Recording 11/9/21

From  Anssi Saari 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Muscle actions (upper limb)

From  Brian Chung 0 likes 145 plays 0